Marketing is something every business does. Even if you don’t spend a red cent in advertising, operate out of an unmarked warehouse, and rely upon word-of-mouth to expand your business, you still engage in it.
About Us: How to Write the ‘Everything’ That Nobody Wants to Know
It’s often the lengthiest page on a website, and almost always trails the rest of yourcontent in hits. It’s also the most subjective, and therefore the most difficult to balance between too little or too much information. So why is the About Us or Biography section so important? How do you know if yous is effective? And, most importantly: If it’s so difficult to write and receives so few hits, why have one at all?
Do I Need to Hire a Copywriter for my Website?
Budget is always a factor in business, and the DIY approach is always tempting–particularly when it comes to things that seem at first to be inconsequential, or that require no special tools or knowledge to produce. But is this the case with your web content? Are words really a corner you can get away with cutting?