If you’ve read anything about Precision Impact, you’ll know that we write content for a number of highly technical industries, including law firms. As such, I’ve spoken to quite a few lawyers about how they approach their content, as well as digital strategists and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts. Each side has legitimate concerns with the other, and there is certainly merit in both perspectives. Lawyers tend to prefer to keep a hand on the wheel, regardless of how busy they might be. Some will outsource their writing to some form of expert, be it a writer or a marketing firm, but even they are concerned about the quality of their content. However, from the SEO perspective, content simply needs to be written and put out there, particularly when it comes to blog articles. Google hates an infrequently updated website, and most lawyers don’t have the time to write and...
Cold Logic vs Mass Hysteria: An Exploration of Persuasive Tactics in the Tax Reform Debate
In recent months, the Canadian government has made a tax plan. And it’s… well, let’s just say that it’s not the most popular piece of legislation to cross the desk of small-to-mid-sized business owners. Naturally, there’s been a backlash. Most of the literature you can find on the matter has at least a soupcon of vitriol, and even those attempting to be impartial are obligated to mention the fervor with which the business owners disagree with the plan.
Episode 001 – Happy Trails (Sonia Kurmey of Touchstone Travel)
Episode 001 – Sonia Kurmey of Touchstone Incentive Travel & Promotions. Sonia ran a successful travel agency for 20 years. She sold the business a few years ago, but not before the advent of the Internet, and the shifting trends towards online self-serve. In this episode, we boil it down to the business philosophy that helped her to keep competitive–and even thrive–in the face of the ‘digital revolution’. If you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback, leave a comment, give us a rating, or shoot me an email at will@precimpact.com . Theme by Boogie Belgique – If you like it, check them out and support them!