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We're here for one reason: To help your business leave its mark.
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Cold Logic vs Mass Hysteria: An Exploration of Persuasive Tactics in the Tax Reform Debate
In recent months, the Canadian government has made a tax plan. And it’s… well, let’s just say that it’s not the most popular piece of legislation to cross the desk of small-to-mid-sized business owners. Naturally, there’s been a backlash. Most of the literature you can find on the matter has at least a soupcon of vitriol, and even those attempting to be impartial are obligated to mention the fervor with which the business owners disagree with the plan.
Should I Take a Writing Course For My Business Blog?
While on a run the other day, I passed by a learning annex that had a sign in the window for business blog writing workshops. As a content writer myself, I had two thoughts: “This is a good idea for a lot of business owners who want to maintain their own web content,” and “This is a bad idea for a lot of business owners who want to maintain their own web content.”
Precision Impact specializes in producing content and marketing materials for highly technical and complex industries who regularly deal with the general public, including: