If you’ve read anything about Precision Impact, you’ll know that we write content for a number of highly technical industries, including law firms. As such, I’ve spoken to quite a few lawyers about how they approach their content, as well as digital strategists and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts. Each side has legitimate concerns with the other, and there is certainly merit in both perspectives. Lawyers tend to prefer to keep a hand on the wheel, regardless of how busy they might be. Some will outsource their writing to some form of expert, be it a writer or a marketing firm, but even they are concerned about the quality of their content. However, from the SEO perspective, content simply needs to be written and put out there, particularly when it comes to blog articles. Google hates an infrequently updated website, and most lawyers don’t have the time to write and...
Cold Logic vs Mass Hysteria: An Exploration of Persuasive Tactics in the Tax Reform Debate
In recent months, the Canadian government has made a tax plan. And it’s… well, let’s just say that it’s not the most popular piece of legislation to cross the desk of small-to-mid-sized business owners. Naturally, there’s been a backlash. Most of the literature you can find on the matter has at least a soupcon of vitriol, and even those attempting to be impartial are obligated to mention the fervor with which the business owners disagree with the plan.
Should I Take a Writing Course For My Business Blog?
While on a run the other day, I passed by a learning annex that had a sign in the window for business blog writing workshops. As a content writer myself, I had two thoughts: “This is a good idea for a lot of business owners who want to maintain their own web content,” and “This is a bad idea for a lot of business owners who want to maintain their own web content.”
Com-placehold-ency: The Dangers of the ‘Band-Aid Web Page’
Marketing is all about presentation. It’s how businesses put their best foot forward, and make sure that your first impression is always a good one. And still, a number of businesses often find themselves with sections of their websites—or even their entire web presence—walled off with a ‘coming soon’ placeholder page. It’s not just small or local businesses, either. Large companies, and even some marketing agencies, will find themselves hiding behind a placeholder website for months on-end.
November: The Month of Memorable Brand Marketing Strategy
November is that rare month where historical events and convenient rhyme schemes meet. Whether you’re recognizing ‘the war to end all wars’ on the 11th or the end of a revolution that never happened on the 5th, the reason for the season is remembrance. It’s fitting, then, that this month we’re focusing on brand memorability.
Do You Need a New Website if you Don’t Need New Business?
While it’s an extremely high priority for new and struggling businesses, it’s important for marketing specialists to realize that there are a lot of established businesses out there who, believe it or not, aren’t out to find new business. In fact, chasing new business would actually violate their business philosophy.
Ghostwriting and Contracting: Writing Content Without Writing Content
A steady flow of quality content is extremely important, both for demonstrating your expertise and activity in your field as well as weighing heavily in your search engine ranking. However, not everyone has the time to formulate, write, polish, and post fresh content every few weeks. And even if you do, you might not have the skill to create content that is high enough in quality to represent your business. Ignoring your content can heavily damage your business. So how do you keep up if you don’t have time?
Do As I Say: How New Business Owners (like me) Shoot Themselves In The Foot
It’s like the cobbler’s children going without shoes: As of the first draft of this article, Precision Impact has only had a social media presence for about a week. This despite a launch in February of this year—a full quarter earlier. I knew how powerful a tool inbound marketing can be. I knew that, with each passing day, I had been robbing myself of leads. All it would take was one day of work to get it all moving.
About Us: How to Write the ‘Everything’ That Nobody Wants to Know
It’s often the lengthiest page on a website, and almost always trails the rest of yourcontent in hits. It’s also the most subjective, and therefore the most difficult to balance between too little or too much information. So why is the About Us or Biography section so important? How do you know if yous is effective? And, most importantly: If it’s so difficult to write and receives so few hits, why have one at all?