It has begun. As it has every year around this time. As it will every year to come. The nightmarish soundscape synonymous with ravenous hordes packed tightly together as they drive themselves half-mad in pursuit of joy. Those tormentors of the service workers, drowned them in cheer until they wish themselves deaf. The scourge of jingling bells and caroling choirs. The drummer boys and tannenbaums. The Bing and the Bublé. The Christmas carol. Okay, that might be a little over-dramatic. But you can’t deny that Christmas carols—some of them, anyhow—can get a little bit old after a while. Particularly when you’re forced to listen to the same one or two albums over and over again for about two straight months. Even those who love the season have one or two songs (or, at the very least, renditions of songs) that they could do without—yet once a song enters the Christmas...
November: The Month of Memorable Brand Marketing Strategy
November is that rare month where historical events and convenient rhyme schemes meet. Whether you’re recognizing ‘the war to end all wars’ on the 11th or the end of a revolution that never happened on the 5th, the reason for the season is remembrance. It’s fitting, then, that this month we’re focusing on brand memorability.
Save 10% Off Holiday Services with Our Annual ‘Christmaween’ Promotion
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now the streets fill with jack-o-lanterns and cottony cobwebs. Little ghosts and ghouls are peeking out from the window, just waiting for that hallowed night when they get to haunt the neighbourhood–and get some candy while they’re at it. As a business owner, this can only mean one thing.