There’s a Venn diagram floating around the creative marketing world that’s famous among graphic designers (pictured above). The joke is that you can only ask for two, and the one you don’t pick will burn you in the end. The joke plays with the notion of standards vs expectations—a notion that slaps entrepreneurs and business owners in the face time and time again.
Com-placehold-ency: The Dangers of the ‘Band-Aid Web Page’
Marketing is all about presentation. It’s how businesses put their best foot forward, and make sure that your first impression is always a good one. And still, a number of businesses often find themselves with sections of their websites—or even their entire web presence—walled off with a ‘coming soon’ placeholder page. It’s not just small or local businesses, either. Large companies, and even some marketing agencies, will find themselves hiding behind a placeholder website for months on-end.
New Year, New Venture: 3 Steps to Successfully Starting Your First Business
Whether it’s starting your first business venture, eating healthier, making more time for your friends and family, or getting svelte at the gym, the ‘new year’s resolution’ is famous for giving people the will to make some positive changes in their lives—and infamous for not giving them the structure to maintain that change for more than a few weeks.
How to Avoid Getting Burned by your PPC Agency
AdWords is an extremely powerful marketing tool, particularly in the hands of a skilled PPC agency. A well-planned, well-thought-out campaign can give you a major leg-up over your competition, help you reach markets that are otherwise inaccessible, and most often carry a price tag that’s considerably smaller than conventional advertising. Unfortunately, with this exciting, constantly-evolving piece of marketing technology comes a slew of those who would prey on its unfamiliarity. After all, if you don’t fully understand the technology, how can you gauge the value you’re getting from it?
Save 10% Off Holiday Services with Our Annual ‘Christmaween’ Promotion
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now the streets fill with jack-o-lanterns and cottony cobwebs. Little ghosts and ghouls are peeking out from the window, just waiting for that hallowed night when they get to haunt the neighbourhood–and get some candy while they’re at it. As a business owner, this can only mean one thing.
Do You Need a New Website if you Don’t Need New Business?
While it’s an extremely high priority for new and struggling businesses, it’s important for marketing specialists to realize that there are a lot of established businesses out there who, believe it or not, aren’t out to find new business. In fact, chasing new business would actually violate their business philosophy.
Do As I Say: How New Business Owners (like me) Shoot Themselves In The Foot
It’s like the cobbler’s children going without shoes: As of the first draft of this article, Precision Impact has only had a social media presence for about a week. This despite a launch in February of this year—a full quarter earlier. I knew how powerful a tool inbound marketing can be. I knew that, with each passing day, I had been robbing myself of leads. All it would take was one day of work to get it all moving.